Leadership 105

Scripture Reading - Hebrews 6:12 KJV

That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus in today’s lesson we will continue our conversation on “Leadership”. In our first lesson Leadership 101 we taught on the three principles that every good leader should be and they are 1) Open to Hear, 2) Quick to Adjust and 3) Slow to Step. Stating that a “godly leader” listens openly to hear what the group is saying to leadership, then that “leader” quickly adjusts to all good advice that was shared and after that the “godly leader” shall proceed with a clearly communicated safe pace knowing slow and steady typically gets the job done. In Leadership 102 we mentioned that a “good leader” must have “vision”. We stated that spiritual insight is a must because spiritual insight allows the leader to see some distance into the future which is necessary to see exactly where you are going. We also discussed in Leadership 103 three qualities of a Godly leader in reference to honesty, being full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom. In the Leadership 104 lesson we highlighted the importance of being meek. Specifically pointing out that biblical meekness includes humility of mind and gentleness of heart. In today’s message we will briefly speak on the “leadership” quality of operating in “faith” and “patience”. Yes, it is definitely “faith” and “patience” as opposed to “faith” or “patience”. Plus it is not by accident that “faith” comes first because we must use our “faith” in God Almighty to help us first then be “patience” enough to wait for His Divine Help in due season. One reason “walking by faith” is so important is because all “good leaders” must be able to motivate the people who report to them. Typically, the people who report to you are watching your behavior and listening to your words. Yes, they are judging whether or not you are a good (godly) leader or a bad (ungodly) leader. When you speak highly of others in some cases those good words of encouragement will go directly into the person you are speaking to. This brings life and peace into your relationship and it also establishes a healthy work environment for the whole team. However, there will always be certain underperforming individuals that you work with where you need to speak by faith, “That by confessing the person or individual is a good worker and performs their job well.” Speaking these “faith filled” positive words does three things that are important/essential. First, it shows the under achiever that you as a leader have “faith” in them. Many times underperformers feel inadequate so any encouragement they get is appreciated and generally well received. Secondly, speaking favorably about a lessor performing worker keeps you humble because you can quickly remember how God helped you to be a better performer at work. Thirdly, Speaking God’s Good Words over a person gives the Lord Jesus Christ place into that specific person’s life. Remember God is always listening to what we say, so speaking good words over a partner or co-worker gives God an opportunity to work in that person’s life. When our heart isn’t into something we are saying the obvious disconnect seen by the listener can be reasoned as hypocrisy. Truly believing in your heart that every individual has the potential to be a good worker is right. Model workers show strong ethics before their fellow co-workers and their leaders. This open display of “good leadership” skills will strengthen that worker and enhance the work team. Having the ability (mindset, revelation, understanding and wisdom) to call those desired results (good things) which are not, to be by speaking them into existence is exercising our God given “faith”. Demonstrating “faith” is first to get the ball rolling in the right direction (which is always in God’s direction) but without “patience” you probably will not see the whole plan of God fulfilled in your life. We first must be wise enough to speak the Word of God over people, which we call the “Word of Faith”, but then we must be willing to “wait patiently” for the fulfillment of that promise for however long it takes. Godly, “faith” will believe the best in every person and godly “patience” will keep on believing the best while they are waiting on the best to come out. In “leadership” you don’t really know exactly how long it will take to grow people since every worker is unique. However, we do know that with God’s help (His Grace) people can change for the good when good habits and practices are demonstrated before them. Yes, all people can be influenced for good but for them to reach a higher potential in learning and being a good worker they need a good mentor/leader. They must have a good godly example to follow. Yes, “faith in God” gives you a certain amount of “faith” in your fellow man so speaking the “word of faith” over another person is never by accident but rather on purpose. Likewise, “patience” is a necessary virtue because “impatience” can lead to frustration when people are expecting full maturity when immaturity is present. The “godly leader” will know that “walking by faith” pleases God and it also pleases men who appreciate the “word of faith” message penetrating the earth. Operating in this “godly faith” is first step to proper “leadership”. However, “faith” alone won’t do it because “faith” needs the consistency of “patience” to see it all the way through over the long haul. Since God Himself is “patient” with us for many days, multiple months and endless years shouldn’t we as Children of God do the same. We (ihlcc) are sure that all those who display the “spirit of faith” with the “patience of heart” to wait until the right change comes will experience a larger measure of God’s Favor when working with their team. The “Good leader” will also experience a greater retention rate because their workers will want to work well for you and also work with you for as long as possible. So, exercise your “faith” in speaking good words over people when leading them and be “patient” with the process of developing people while you are leading them. Knowing that God was and will always be patience with you while you are developing into the “good leader” He ordained for you to be in Christ Jesus, our “ultimate leader” in God. Amen!